You’re gooooooood!

ERIKA! This is so good!! I love it, you hit a homerun here. I really feel you captured my personality and expressed so many things people wouldn't usually "get" unless they had met/knew me somehow. There is definitely some genius behind your technique... WOW, Erika - it's only been 12 hours since I sent out those emails and we're already at 40% for responses. PLUS emails from other random people we didn't contact. You're gooooooood! - Rob, 34, Philadelphia, PA

Rob, 34, Philadelphia, PA

A Little Nudge, Erika Ettin

Rob, 34, Philadelphia, PA

Erika - it's only been 12 hours since I sent out those emails and we're already at 40% for responses. PLUS emails from other random people we didn't contact. You're gooooooood!
You’re gooooooood!