People like to be in control — at their jobs, of their decisions, and in pretty much every area of life — but dating can sometimes feel like you’re on a wild rollercoaster that you can’t get off. And like most
All People Are Different People
In anticipation of Season 3 of Ted Lasso (which has not disappointed as of yet!), I decided to re-watch the first two seasons. And, while the show is an obvious comedy, there are some nuggets of wisdom in there that I certainly couldn’t have written as well as the writers did, even if I tried. And one of these nuggets is, “All people are different people.”
Words of Wisdom for Dating in 2022
Words of wisdom for dating in 2022
Red Flags, No Information, and Double Messaging… Oh My!
July 3, 2020 Every day, I get interesting questions from clients, and today, I’d like to tackle three questions I received recently. Remember that if you have a question, chances are likely that someone else has the same one, too.
Everything You Need to Know About Dating During Coronavirus
COVID-19 isolation, or social distancing, has two conflicting impacts on the dating world: 1) People are using the online dating sites more, and many sites have reported the surge in usage, but 2) People cannot go on actual, in-person dates right now. So how do you reconcile these two opposite things?
The Case for Crawling to the Altar
March 11, 2020 I got this text the other day from a 40-year-old male client of mine, someone I’ve been working with on and off over the last few years. It said, “I’ve been anxious to re-start dating (i.e. want
Eerie, Sexy, or Funny… What Your Costume Says About You
October 31, 2017 People often ask me what to wear on a first date. I give a few pieces of advice on this topic: – Wear clothes to match the venue. (As in, something casual at a coffee shop. Something
7 Things People Write in Their Profiles and What They Actually Mean
September 28, 2017 People write all kinds of things in their profiles because it’s what they think others want to hear. Let’s take a look at 7 of these and then define what they actually mean. 1. What you say:
Two Lies Don’t Make a Truth
July 5, 2017 I had a date several years ago with someone I had met on an online dating site. He was handsome, witty, and intelligent—the trifecta in my book—so we decided to meet for brunch. (As a side note,
Emojis and Online Dating: A Match Made in… Face with Rolling Eyes + Pile of Poo
June 6, 2017 I can’t lie—I’m a big fan of the emoji. If I’m talking about my propensity to make a pun in any and all situations, I’ll probably punctuate it with the “nerd face” emoji. Or, if I’m asking
How to Take an Online Date Offline
June 23, 2016 Isn’t the point of going online to get offline? (No need to answer that. I think it’s pretty clear!) So many people ask me, “How do you just get offline?!” Or, “When is the appropriate time to
In Online Dating, Grammar Matters
October 28, 2015 I once bought a shirt that says, “I judge you when you use poor grammar.” (I only wear it to sleep.) My aunt told me that I corrected her when she said, “Me and mom went to
10 Phrases You Should Delete from Your Online Dating Profile
September 14th, 2015 Depending on how long you’ve been on an online dating site, you can probably relate to that déjà-vu feeling you get when it feels like you’re reading the same profile over and over again. Somehow, everyone is
Tips for Dating Bliss in 2014
January 21, 2014 Time sure does fly, doesn’t it? It’s a new year, and with that comes a new outlook, maybe some new clothes, and, of course, some new people on all of the online dating sites. (And don’t
‘Tis the Season… For Online Dating
December 18, 2013 Ah, December… the time for lighting the menorah (thanks to Thanksgivukkah, that was in November as well), getting trampled at Best Buy and Target, finding the house with the gaudiest Christmas lights, and, of course, wondering whether
Negative Nellies Need Not Apply
November 9, 2012 Have you ever read those profiles where the person sounds intelligent and generally interesting… until that fateful last line? I’ve seen them all: – Cowboys fans need not apply. – If you’re looking for a fling,
A Picture’s Worth A Thousand Words…
March 2, 2012 In online dating, making a good first impression is key. People can easily pass over your profile with the blink of an eye if they don’t immediately see something they like. A recent study actually confirmed